Sunday, September 23, 2018

Obsolete — Full Documentary Official (2016)

Inconvenient Truth #1336: by Michael G.

Here's a saying you don't hear anymore: "Okay, let's keep an open mind while we discuss and evaluate this....."

What exactly is an "open mind"?  I suspect it used to mean not "jumping to conclusions" before all sides of the situation are exposed, kicked around, reviewed, discussed, evaluated, filtered, and titrated down to reasonable truths before deriving at a clearly identified problem and potential solutions.  Kind of like upon what the judicial system was originally predicated.

I'm pretty sure that's NOT what it means today and that's why it's no longer used.  Think about how many processes we no longer employ in our current society.  How about "the scientific method"?  It has been abandoned simply because it does not support the theory that if the empirical data and outcome do not fit the theory, contrive a new theory and test again until theory and outcome match.  Instead, today we change the process so that theory and data match the desired outcome - the means justify the end.

What happened to the "open mind"?  We no longer observe with peripheral vision, we use a myopic Kaleidoscope.  We view our world using the center cardboard tube in a paper towel roll; if it's not in our field of view, it doesn't exist.  THESE are the meek who are inheriting the earth.  If it can't be based on MY emotional understanding, it's unnecessary, untrue and must be ignored or destroyed.  How's that going for us?

We watched a college football game yesterday.  Actually, I watched the crowd of spectators in the stands.  What is it about humanity that says wildly yelling and screaming, hooting and hollering, at a "sporting event" is acceptable behavior for sentient beings?  We go into a "board meeting" or a courtroom or stand in line at the grocery store and are expected to act dignified and orderly and civil and then we put on outrageous clothing and costumes and act with total abandon while other people perform acts of, shit, I don't know what, in front of us.  I literally, and perfectly, don't get it.  We raise and praise there adeptness at physical stunts practiced over and over with mindless repetition while other people literally starve or are kidnapped for sex slave rings or crap on the streets we walk.  We pay homage to the gods of sport with hard earned currency, anointing them with "celebrity" status while our world crumbles around us, reducing itself to the primordial bog from which many believe we came.

We listen to these celebrity's of insanity that we've created as though they are sages on the mount.  We raise and praise them for their cosmic understanding.  We are the crowds of spectators in the stands of life.  We go to Home Depot and ask for advice from the same guys who flip burgers at Mickey D's and are working at Home Depot as a second job.  How insane is that?  Seeking construction advise from the guy who wants to know if you want cheese on that burger.  Celebrity's.

Now, think about our professional "politicians".  You know, like Maxine Waters, or Diane Feinstein, or Nancy Pelosi, or any of the other multitude of useless bog crawlers who couldn't boil water but have figured out how to bleed our society dry.  How does it make you feel to know that you belong to the team of enablers that keep these people in power?  The team of We The People of the United States of America.  We are now electing people into our governing bodies who operate by Sharia Law, not the U.S. Constitution.  I think Obama's "Hope and Change" thingy is finally coming to pass.

It's going to get a whole lot more ugly before "a change is gunna come"......a change of any significance. 

- Michael G.