Monday, November 9, 2020

Libby, Montana - Liberty Montana?

A liberty activist in Libby, Montana is presenting Lincoln County Commissioners a Petition of Complaint on behalf of 686 people, which represents 3% of the population - the same percentage as colonists who stood up to the British during the Revolution.

The petition is a complaint regarding the "states of emergency" (even though the Commissioners rescinded it in June) fraudulent data used to declare said emergency, unelected "officials" tyrannically closing down events, unlawfully collecting fines and tyrannically implementing mandates of the governor/county on The People and answerable to no one. We presented our compiled evidence on faulty testing, fraudulent death recording and not only how the masks are ineffective, but even harmful to health, as well as information regarding the dangerous new technology RNA COVID19 vaccine which will alter our very DNA and change what it means to be a human being. We affirm that mandates/executive orders are not law and that breathing the fresh air is a God-given right and our individual liberty as protected by the Constitution of the state of Montana and the Constitution of the United States. We also discuss as free Montananians of America we have the right to make our own health care choices such as mask wearing, testing, or vaccination.

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