Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Pastors Should Lead Fight Against Evil Deep State

Economics of feminism and inflation.

 Economics of feminism and inflation.

Fred Hammel, Kalispell, Mt.

Cars, gas, and homes were cheap before the feminist movement 1972. Cars were under $3,000, gas was .32 cents per gallon, and homes average $6,000 to$18,000. This all change when mothers started staying in the workforce after having a baby. She now had her own money, and she started to buy her own car, before 1972 the average family owned one vehicle. The demand for cars went way up, but supply stay the same, so the price went up. Gasoline also went up because of demand. Then congress pass a law in 1974, forcing banks when they figured a mortgage, to allow both husband and wife salaries on that mortgage. The price of the home quadruple by 1980. Along with the inflation create by the feminist movement, divorce , abortion, and children coming home from school with no parents in the home. The inflation rate since 1972 has been 15 percent. If you do not believe me just look at the price of a vehicle, gasoline, and homes.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Great Article - worth the read


The Vaccine Divide and Emerging Segregation Society


The Vaccine Divide And Emerging Segregation Society – Truth Unmuted


"The push to get everyone to take a COVID-19 injection may be the greatest social engineering project the world has ever witnessed. Governments, Big Pharma, corporations, celebrities, health professionals, and the media have been able to convince millions of people to take experimental "vaccines" based on technology never before used in humans."