Saturday, November 28, 2020
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Home Study: Stats 101
The first question you have to ask is simple, are people in five states Statistically or Actually different in voting patterns than those in ALL the other 45 States that had big margins, for or against Trump? My guess is no, they are not all that different from you or I. They are not evenly divided absolutely perfectly 50%/50% R vs D. If you think they are perfectly balanced in the R vs D category, stop reading, you are a brainwashed Democrat who believes what the media has been feeding you for decades.
Monday, November 23, 2020
Thursday, November 19, 2020
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
Rule of Law v. Mob Rule
Rule of Law v. Mob Rule
by Rick Jore
in Guest Posted on
12/31/2018 07:15 PM
In a Valley Journal article published last week reporting on the swearing in ceremony of Lake County elected officials, Twentieth Judicial District Judge James Manley twice referred to "this experiment we call democracy."
I can understand why Judge Manley might say this as we often (erroneously, in my view) call our form of government a "democracy." However, I hope you will further ponder his statement that "our forefathers developed" such form of government and consider if history actually bears that view out. Is democracy consistent with a Constitutional Republic? Can, or should, a simple vote of any democratic majority, whether direct or representative, negate or supersede intended constitutional restraints on the power and authority of government or the constitutionally recognized and secured rights of the individual? If so, what purpose could the oath the elected officials took possibly have if the extent of their authority is determined not by the Constitution, but by a majority of voters?
The word democracy does not appear in any of our organic documents of government. Art. IV Sec. 4 of the U.S. Constitution guarantees "to every State in this Union, a Republican Form of Government." (Republican as in a system of civil rule conducive to a republic, not Republican as in political party.)
If, as Judge Manley says, "our forefathers developed" a "democracy," it is rather odd they said what they did about the concept:
"Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; have in general been as short in their lives as they are violent in their deaths.” ~ James Madison, Federalist #10
"Democracy will envy all, contend with all, endeavour to pull down all; and when by chance it happens to get the Upper hand for a Short time, it will be revengeful bloody and cruel.” ~ John Adams letter to Thomas Jefferson, July 16, 1814
You may be aware of a current nationwide effort to nullify a specific constitutional check on democracy, the loud and ignorant call to eliminate the Electoral College provision in the U.S. Constitution. A significantly foundational and constitutional check on democracy has already been eliminated, with disastrous consequences, by adoption of the 17th Amendment in 1913. This changed entirely the function and purpose of the United States Senate by replacing senatorial appointments by state legislatures with popular election.
Let’s be mindful and cautious in referring to our representative, constitutional republic as a democracy. Allow me to suggest that transcendent truths, which were pronounced as self-evident by our forefathers, simply cannot be maintained by the fickle whims of an all too often selfish and covetous democratic majority. By the franchise of their vote, a democratic majority will seek to appease their selfish and covetous nature by using the force of law to plunder rights and property, rather than protect them.
Rick Jore served four terms in the Montana House of Representatives, three as a member of the Republican Party and one as a member of the Constitution Party. He is a small business owner, constitutional originalist, and dedicated activist working to restore our founding heritage.
Monday, November 16, 2020
Sunday, November 15, 2020
Inconvenient Truth #2084:
Inconvenient Truth #2083:
Friday, November 13, 2020
Inconvenient Truth #2081:
Where do we go, how do we act, in the face of overwhelming adversity? WE don't have a safe space.
When the Democrat party contestant for the POTUS position couldn't win the competition by casual cheating in 2016 (illegal, non-citizen, aliens voting along aside all those corpses from the cemetery's), they ramped it all up for the current 2020 contest. If a little bit of cheating is Good, then a LOT ought to be Great! C'mon Man.
One election we had the infamous Chad event in FL.
Everyone is asking themselves WHY, what can be done, how can we (sanity) win in this evil world. See the attachment "change the battle ground".
M - Once you learn the truth, you can never unlearn it
Monday, November 9, 2020
Libby, Montana - Liberty Montana?
A liberty activist in Libby, Montana is presenting Lincoln County Commissioners a Petition of Complaint on behalf of 686 people, which represents 3% of the population - the same percentage as colonists who stood up to the British during the Revolution.
The petition is a complaint regarding the "states of emergency" (even though the Commissioners rescinded it in June) fraudulent data used to declare said emergency, unelected "officials" tyrannically closing down events, unlawfully collecting fines and tyrannically implementing mandates of the governor/county on The People and answerable to no one. We presented our compiled evidence on faulty testing, fraudulent death recording and not only how the masks are ineffective, but even harmful to health, as well as information regarding the dangerous new technology RNA COVID19 vaccine which will alter our very DNA and change what it means to be a human being. We affirm that mandates/executive orders are not law and that breathing the fresh air is a God-given right and our individual liberty as protected by the Constitution of the state of Montana and the Constitution of the United States. We also discuss as free Montananians of America we have the right to make our own health care choices such as mask wearing, testing, or vaccination.