Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Big Shots getting the shots

Guest post:

Darrell P.

This is a warning. There is something in the vaccine. It is a harbinger. We see big shots getting the shots. We see play-acting; like we are to stupid to notice there is nothing in the syringe or the plunger is already all the way down. And we must have faith in these false gods that they are actually taking the vaccine. They are conning us. There is something there that the special people - the natural superiors - want us to take but they are exempt.

Consider that Billy Gates Gruff sent vaccines to Africa to give to little African girls and what happened there. The Government's of those places threw him out of the country because the vaccine caused little girls immune systems to attack their reproductive systems and made them sterile. Daddy Billy Gates Gruff is a Eugenicist and the Gates people believe themselves so special that most of us need to just get off their planet!! They want to reduce the population down to a manageable serfdom size!

So Billy Gates Gruff, who is a big part of this faux virus is the patent holder and big push behind the vaccine.

Then take into account Pfizer, the maker of the vaccine - who is NOT under Trumps moratorium against aborted baby parts used in making vaccines -  put a warning on the vaccine that if you are pregnant, nursing or plan to have more children in the future, you should not take the vaccine. And if you think it is just for women think again. No reason why women are the only target!

Please connect the dots! Rebel! Do not follow the sheep who willingly sacrifice to Ba'al so they can receive his "special" blessings!

And COUNT on this. When they see their trap revealed they will try every means they have to dispose of it as ridiculous!!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Evidence supports Sidney Powell's claim about global election fraud

Evidence supports Sidney Powell's claim about global election fraud: For the last two weeks, Sidney Powell was telling everyone she could prove that our election was decided abroad by bad actors.  Tuesday's news seemed to confirm those claims.  A retired military analyst testified in Arizona th...

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Home Study: Stats 101

The first question you have to ask is simple, are people in five states Statistically or Actually different in voting patterns than those in ALL the other 45 States that had big margins, for or against Trump?  My guess is no, they are not all that different from you or I.  They are not evenly divided absolutely perfectly 50%/50% R vs D. If you think they are perfectly balanced in the R vs D category, stop reading, you are a brainwashed Democrat who believes what the media has been feeding you for decades.

Stats 101 - 2020 Election

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Rule of Law v. Mob Rule

Rule of Law v. Mob Rule
by Rick Jore
in Guest Posted on

12/31/2018 07:15 PM


In a Valley Journal article published last week reporting on the swearing in ceremony of Lake County elected officials, Twentieth Judicial District Judge James Manley twice referred to "this experiment we call democracy."

I can understand why Judge Manley might say this as we often (erroneously, in my view) call our form of government a "democracy." However, I hope you will further ponder his statement that "our forefathers developed" such form of government and consider if history actually bears that view out. Is democracy consistent with a Constitutional Republic? Can, or should, a simple vote of any democratic majority, whether direct or representative, negate or supersede intended constitutional restraints on the power and authority of government or the constitutionally recognized and secured rights of the individual? If so, what purpose could the oath the elected officials took possibly have if the extent of their authority is determined not by the Constitution, but by a majority of voters?

The word democracy does not appear in any of our organic documents of government. Art. IV Sec. 4 of the U.S. Constitution guarantees "to every State in this Union, a Republican Form of Government." (Republican as in a system of civil rule conducive to a republic, not Republican as in political party.)

If, as Judge Manley says, "our forefathers developed" a "democracy," it is rather odd they said what they did about the concept:

"Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; have in general been as short in their lives as they are violent in their deaths.” ~ James Madison, Federalist #10

"Democracy will envy all, contend with all, endeavour to pull down all; and when by chance it happens to get the Upper hand for a Short time, it will be revengeful bloody and cruel.” ~ John Adams letter to Thomas Jefferson, July 16, 1814

You may be aware of a current nationwide effort to nullify a specific constitutional check on democracy, the loud and ignorant call to eliminate the Electoral College provision in the U.S. Constitution. A significantly foundational and constitutional check on democracy has already been eliminated, with disastrous consequences, by adoption of the 17th Amendment in 1913. This changed entirely the function and purpose of the United States Senate by replacing senatorial appointments by state legislatures with popular election.

Let’s be mindful and cautious in referring to our representative, constitutional republic as a democracy. Allow me to suggest that transcendent truths, which were pronounced as self-evident by our forefathers, simply cannot be maintained by the fickle whims of an all too often selfish and covetous democratic majority. By the franchise of their vote, a democratic majority will seek to appease their selfish and covetous nature by using the force of law to plunder rights and property, rather than protect them.

Rick Jore served four terms in the Montana House of Representatives, three as a member of the Republican Party and one as a member of the Constitution Party. He is a small business owner, constitutional originalist, and dedicated activist working to restore our founding heritage.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Martin Armstrong – The Reset is Communism

Inconvenient Truth #2084:

If we only understood the true, constitutionally defined process of electing the POTUS we wouldn't be so upset. Thanks to SRK, we have a winning "share" for today: It's a little "heady" but drag yourself through it. It's a short to medium read...took me about 8 minutes because I had to keep backing up to reread sentences. M - I'm sorry I hurt your feelings when I called you stupid. I really thought you already knew.

Inconvenient Truth #2083:

I think the end game to all of this insanity has finally been exposed. You decide for yourself. I don't believe this is a hoax or a conspiracy theory. Does everyone remember what the President before Trump said? "This is a great country, help me change it." And he did. And we weren't listening or paying attention. And we did nothing to stop him. Does anyone remember the Divergent Series? "Divergent, Insurgent, Allegiant". Looks like that is what's coming to a theater near you. This was shared last night. I listened to it in bed, before sleep. Not a good idea. It's about 8 minutes long. Who, besides the Great Magi, Bill Gates, also used their public megaphone to advise us all that the earth is over-populated and something needs to be done to reduce it before we sink into the bottomless pit of the universe? Think about the test that was recently performed when supposedly virus-infected people were housed in a retirement center and a bunch of old people died as a result. THAT should have been a wakeup call. It was a quick, sample, test. If you believe you need to reduce a herd, who do you get rid of...for the sake of the herd? Most probably the aging, non-productive (retired) folks would be a great place to start...followed by the non-conforming, useless, sick, lame, and lazy... Who, besides the Magi, Bill Gates, has been working on a vaccine for the past two years, for a disease, infliction, or virus that did not yet exist? Did he have a crystal ball, a Ouija board, what? What do you figure is IN that vaccine he's been funding the creation of to protect us all from....what? Oh, he's not the leader of the pack, he's just become a useful idiot for whoever is leading this charge to reduce the planet's population down to a manageable size, full of mindless minions who can be controlled with a Ritalin replacement. I've said that I didn't think all of this was leading to a "civil war" of any consequence. I believed, and still do, that we will be controlled through the enforcement of mandates and perverted rules of law, as I've continually stated. If you listened to the YouTube video, you'll understand. We have FEMA camps all over the nation. There's an old map showing this country divided into 10 zones of control. We've been shown the road map, we just didn't know by what vehicle we would travel down that road. Well, the 8 minute presentation just exposed the vehicle. And you thought the wooden box cars that transported the Jews of Europe to their "FEMA" camps of showers and ovens were inhumane. The Flu WILL be the death of us, just not how we imagined. We have been exposed to a form of martial law without a shot being fired. When someone wearing a friggin' mask while driving their car...alone...drives past you, you've witnessed the height of emotional insanity overriding rational thought. When you see it, all around you, you've seen the margins of weakness; the weakness of the human spirit and the diminishment of their soul. It is growing in leaps and bounds every day. We have become soft and mushy and malleable. When two people show up at your door with your vaccination shot and you say "no thank you", they will leave, and then what happened to Roger Stone will be your next visit - 25 swat team members to take you into custody for transportation to the nearest FEMA center for processing. Resistance will be will go straight to jail and forfeit all of your property's. We're probably well past the "nip-it-in-the-bud" stage now. Each step of this multiple phase game makes stopping or changing it more costly. At what point will the cost outweigh the benefit? I suspect we're getting really close to that point now. Everything else going on...protests, riots, demands for rights, division by any means for any distinction, destruction of property, murder, and the old pirate standby of "rape, pillage, and plunder"...are just distractions. The goal appears to be total control and reduction. What's ahead? Probably nothing that We The People of this nation want or need. Remember, this is for true World Domination. And you thought Socialism and Communism were bad. M - By and large, language is a tool for concealing the truth.

How 5G alters blood cell permeability, amplifying coronavirus fatalities

The fentanyl drug epidemic in North America

Friday, November 13, 2020

Inconvenient Truth #2081:

Where do we go, how do we act, in the face of overwhelming adversity?  WE don't have a safe space.

When the Democrat party contestant for the POTUS position couldn't win the competition by casual cheating in 2016 (illegal, non-citizen, aliens voting along aside all those corpses from the cemetery's), they ramped it all up for the current 2020 contest.  If a little bit of cheating is Good, then a LOT ought to be Great!  C'mon Man.

One election we had the infamous Chad event in FL.  

We've had the computer voting that wouldn't let the voters choose a Republican contestant and keep defaulting to the Democrat choice no matter what button was pushed.  

We've had the computer voting programs that were owned by a very evil individual and had to be sent offshore and then returned with "results" that were beyond questionable.  

And now we have the 2020 fiasco's, plural.  

It's the Cloward & Piven game moved to the voting arena; overwhelm the system until it fails and explodes, or implodes.  

We had more ways to vote this time than every imagined before.


A great share from the other Mike G.:  Seriously, find the time to read it.  It flows like a river of sanity and truth.  A little long, but worth it.

Everyone is asking themselves WHY, what can be done, how can we (sanity) win in this evil world.  See the attachment "change the battle ground".

M - Once you learn the truth, you can never unlearn it

Monday, November 9, 2020

Libby, Montana - Liberty Montana?

A liberty activist in Libby, Montana is presenting Lincoln County Commissioners a Petition of Complaint on behalf of 686 people, which represents 3% of the population - the same percentage as colonists who stood up to the British during the Revolution.

The petition is a complaint regarding the "states of emergency" (even though the Commissioners rescinded it in June) fraudulent data used to declare said emergency, unelected "officials" tyrannically closing down events, unlawfully collecting fines and tyrannically implementing mandates of the governor/county on The People and answerable to no one. We presented our compiled evidence on faulty testing, fraudulent death recording and not only how the masks are ineffective, but even harmful to health, as well as information regarding the dangerous new technology RNA COVID19 vaccine which will alter our very DNA and change what it means to be a human being. We affirm that mandates/executive orders are not law and that breathing the fresh air is a God-given right and our individual liberty as protected by the Constitution of the state of Montana and the Constitution of the United States. We also discuss as free Montananians of America we have the right to make our own health care choices such as mask wearing, testing, or vaccination.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Contrasts to consider

Secular Jew: America is a Christian Nation - God is GOC

In this interview with The New American magazine's Alex Newman, author and radio host Charles Moscowitz talks about his new book, God is God. Among other points, he argues that believing in God is crucial to understanding science, that there is an organized "conspiracy" and war against God stretching back to the Garden of Eden, and that America was founded as a Christian nation. A self-proclaimed secular Jew, Moscowitz offers unique insights into critical questions that will be edifying to people of all faiths.

Monday, October 26, 2020

🔴 Watch LIVE: President Trump Holds Make America Great Again Rally in Li...

Promoted from Deplorables to "Trumps Chumps"



We've been promoted to
🎶 ðŸŽ¼ Happy Days are here again......WOW ! How great is this?  OK, my friends, this means we have an even higher level of responsibility to get out the vote !  Many of us have taken advantage of the 'early bird special', but bet you know someone that hasn't and is still hungry.  Reach out, encourage them to get to the polls and vote....Why not consider even taking them yourself? It won'[t take long and this is the most critical election in history IF you want to SAVE our Country !!!   

As a coach once said."Everyone off the bench! On your feet! It's time for a full court press !!!"  The Devil has brought his 'A' team, they're big and ugly and ignore the rules, but, by golly, WE ARE BETTER !  We are on the right side....if you believe it, show it !!!  I 'hear' there are more registered Donkeys than what ?! When  we stand UNITED, we can surround them!

Keep pointing to old Joe's "no fracking' and the hundreds of thousands that would lose their jobs......electricity cost depends on cost of oil,.....many (most) windmills are powered by either small gasoline or natural gas motors.....steel requires the intense heat that only comes with coal.....Now that Obama is gone, we can sell oil to other countries (increasing our revenues) Petroleum based products include tires, keyboard, phone casings, pens, plastic rulers, combs, brushes, styrofoam products, plastic toys, etc. In other words almost any thing your hands touch each day!  Fracking uses a chemical cocktail that isn't harmful and when powered downhole it cracks/rearranges rock formations that allow the crude oil to drain towards the drill hole and brought to the surface. As a matter of fact, one of the chemical mixtures is the same 'gum' used in making ice cream! (though I wouldn't want to eat it in natural form)

Solar Energy: Many may recall that YOU under Obama (Joey's X-boss) paid hundreds of millions of dollars into two solar plants (one in California, other in Colorado) that went belly up in less than a year after taxpayer's infusion of cash.  Imagine living in Alaska or even the Northern States with long winters and depending on the sun. BRRRR!

AFC aka Affordable Health Care aka Socialized Medicine: Let's call it what it is. Do I need to remind anyone of that disaster? I know 'my' doctor wasn't included and premiums went Up Up Up.

Immigration:  I don't care what you've heard or who said it...this is NOT Mexico or any other country.  Entrants are 'guests' and must be 'invited' according to OUR Immigration Laws and revisions. These laws require health exams/immunizations, learn English, have clean criminal record to name a few.  Currently, legal and illegal 'guests' have access to more FREE social services and rights that many Americans lack.  Border areas are currently HOT spots for this COVID Virus. Texas just set up a 100 bed emergency field hospital in El Paso. The crime rate has far too many Americans living in fear...not freedom.

TRUMP HAS ANSWERS....that will put us well down the road to recovering our true destiny as the greatest sovereign nation on earth. This is no time to sit back and 'let George do it', it's TIME FOR YOU AND I to get OFF OUR COLLECTIVE BUTTS and ACT to give our ALL.  If not, get back in Hillary's basket of deplorables. 

OK, I know you love this Blessed Nation as much as I do.  And probably have nightmares even thinking about a Biden/Harris administration like I do. It's just that this is so crucial and life or death election, we all need to play and play hard that I'm hoping and praying that you can pull one more trick out of your bag and get President Trump FOUR MORE YEARS!!!

You know each of you are in this 'treasure chest' we call the United States of America',

In Prayer for our Nation,
Jan Brown

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Shelby Steele's Michael Brown documentary - rejected at Amazon

 “Amazon currently streams several documentaries on what happened at Ferguson,” a passage below the screenshot on the website says. “This rejection by Amazon reveals much about our culture. Our film offers up a compassionate, truthful, and intellectual version of those events and there were no grounds for rejection.”

 "Amazon not only rejected our film but the viewpoints of many Americans,” Eli Steele, Shelby’s filmmaker son and director of the project, told the Washington Examiner. “We worked hard on this film to include a great variety of voices, most of them black. These voices rarely never find their way into the limelight, which is overcrowded with the opinions of the elites. So when Amazon rejected us, they also silenced these voices, and that is the great sin of a company that professes to be diverse and inclusive."

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Directing the Disorder


Directing the Disorder


Written by William FJasper The whole world has gone insane and the lunatics are in charge of the asylum. At least it looks that way to any rational person surveying the escalating revolutions that have engulfed the planet in the year 2020.

Trump v Biden & Wallace, Debate 9.29.2020

Folks, last nights debate was a falsification. That is my impression. The Biden campaign refused a drug test and ear inspection for the "show". If they didn't have anything to hide why would they refuse?

By all appearances the Left has dreaded such a confrontation between Trump and Biden. And Yet they could not, NOT debate. So what do they do? It is astonishing how inventive they are at indulging in evil and deceit! THEY CHEAT!! Was Biden on a stimulus drug? We were not allowed to know. Apparently everyone allowed into the auditorium was tested for the common cold (aka covid-19) (btw be sure to read the little "BTW below). They had time to do that - but drug test? Ear inspection? No, they were not going to do that.

We don't think like they do because we see things in terms of true or false. But they ALWAYS seek to hide what they do because if we know what they're doing they would FAIL every time. They reject the Truth. To them it doesn't matter how you win so long as you win. ANY means in the name of the results is justified.

So we don't know WHO was really on stage with Trump. Biden's carcass was there but where was Joe Biden? That's the first feature of this hoodwink. But it wasn't the only feature.

Just how many people were debating Trump? There was some facsimile believed to be Joe Biden but there was also - quite obviously - Chris Wallace; a bought and paid for LEFTIST Shill. Let us not forget; the Spin of all that the Left does in regards to Trump is to MAKE TRUMP LOOK BAD!! Period. They cannot make their communist Ideas good enough to defeat him! So he must take a fall. Isn't it obvious? Nor do they leave anything to chance. It wasn't enough that Joe had a plug in his ear and he was doped up. They insured the plan by putting a third party they can count on to divide Trumps attention. I never saw Chris really call out Joe for "breaking" the rules as he did Trump! Trump Bad. Joe Good. Joe play by rules (never mind all the LIES - BLATANT LIES - that came out of his mouth; the Truth doesn't matter).

Here is the little gem we all can take from this; If Joe "wins" in November and survives for  4 years we will not know who the actual president is - We will only have this animated PUPPET!

Joe started LYING right from the beginning. As far as I'm concerned whatever Donald did after that was JUSTIFIED!! Two liars on stage; two leftist Communists against a man who has America first in mind (the communists always have and always WILL hate America). Trump broke no Rules - because there were no rules.

 Covidiot Derrell

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Reposting this Important Article for everyone to read - 2012 Article by Michael S. Coffman PhD about our favorite freedom Grinch G e o r g e S 0 R 0 S with new comment from David Skinner