Recognize that this is a CNN report, both politically charged to incite emotional riot and probably NOT fact checked. The effort to disarm us and put us in cute little cages - for our own good - has been reinvigorated. Ignore the short video and just read down the right hand side.
Seven "mass" shootings in seven days. People dying from gunfire. I'm not sure how this stacks up against those dying from the designer flu, but you KNOW what's coming. Masks, social distancing, isolation, self induced psychological trauma, and now mass shootings (again). Create a National Lunatic Asylum, turn the inmates loose, and let's see what happens...and then let's blame inanimate objects.
The gaggle of drooling followers and joiners seem to ignore the history of disarming the general public of their weapons of mass destruction, forcing the general public to invent Martial Arts to defend themselves. The problem we have now is the level of weapon sophistication the "controllers" now have at their disposal to "manage" We The People, worldwide. We're somewhere between the "Divergent" series and "Soylent Green".
I'm not scared. I'm sad (and disappointed) by the thought that we are probably going to have to shoot our way clear of this coming holocaust and that's not something I'm looking forward to at this point in my life. I may not have many days left, but ending it in a blaze of gunfire amid a pile of empty brass was not in my life-plan. Ending it as a prisoner and unwilling subject to a bunch of sadistic assholes isn't either. I remember how the Japanese treated the Koreans. I remember how the German army of Nazi's treated ALL of their captives, not just the Jews, but the Poles and the Russians as well. I remember what Dr. Mengela did to people. I remember how Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge treated the millions of his own people. I remember how the Communist Chinese government has treated their citizens. I remember how the North Koreans have been treated by their governing body, even to this day. Have you forgotten the "detained" college student who they drove to insanity and then gave back to us?
And you're going to let the Joe Burden Administration full of the whack job wanna-be's take our firearms and pseudo ability to defend ourselves against the upcoming enslavement without a fight? They are already crowing about putting all the "deplorables" into reeducation facilities... It won't be long before the "brown shirts" will be among us. The Red Flag Laws are just the start of something more sinister than even Hollywood can produce and that's saying a lot.
Someone has decided that it's time to stir the ashes and see if they will burst into flame once again. Weapons of mass destruction. Assault weapons. Assault magazines. Assault ammunition. Assault tire irons. Assault baseball bats. Assault dinner knives. All must go...We The People of earth cannot be trusted with them. It's for our own good. Welcome to the Brave New World.
M - That door you just kicked in was for your protection, not mine...