Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Inconvenient Truth #2187

Inconvenient Truth #2187:

Long drives are a breeding ground for unconventional thinking.

If 6 feet is the safe distance, as determined by the medical geniuses of our day, to prevent a virus from landing on us after experiencing acceleration when ejected from our mouths, what happens to those viree (plural for virus?) once expelled?  Do they just fall to the ground by the action of gravity??  No, seriously, where do the viree go?  It's been "scientifically settled" that the individual virus are smaller than the holes in the mesh of most masks now sold on the market, allowing the viree to pass freely in and out through the masks.  So when you sneeze or cough or just breath, your permeable designer mask does nothing to prevent the passage of those little buggers.  Oh, they might help to reduce the speed or acceleration a bit, kinda like speed bumps, but the masks don't stop them.  So, do you think that the viree just float around in the air forever, or do they drop and land on whatever is between them and the ground during their descent?  I suspect the vast majority are on the ground.

I'm assuming that the 6 foot safe distancing is for normal breathing and not the coughing or sneezing which would propel those creatures much further before they fall to the ground.  Once on the ground (you know, the Earth's outer crust), what happens to them?  Do they die on contact (remember: the earth is NOT coated with hand sanitizer!) or do they just lie there waiting to attach themselves to whatever passes by, like maybe our SHOES??  Once on our shoes, they can be transported to wherever we go.  Viral hitchhiking.  We wear those designer masks, why not wear designer booties on our shoes like repair people do when they visit your home during inclement weather?  We could take them OFF at the door and leave them outside.

C'mon Man, why not a mandate to wear booties?!?!?  You know those nasty viree are just lying there on the ground waiting for us to move them.  They're everywhere, they're everywhere (the Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!).

Insanity and illogical/irrational thinking have no bounds or limits.

From a share from Chris C.:

no COVID vaccine is FDA-approved but some are authorized under a temporary Emergency Use Authorization as experimental (investigational) agents only

emergency use products are specifically prohibited by federal law 21 U.S.C. §360bbb-3 from being mandated: “Authorization for medical products for use in emergencies … require …the option to accept or refuse administration of the product”

the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) affirmed in August 2020 that under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), experimental vaccines are not allowed to be mandatory”

Is everyone ready for the "Vaccine Mandate"??  You know it's coming.  "Prove you've been vaccinated for the Chinese Flu or you will not be allowed to enjoy employment, medical treatment for anything, shopping, public transportation, or seek to fulfill your inalienable right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness."

M - Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that