Sunday, January 31, 2021
Friday, January 29, 2021
Term Limits?
Derrell Poole, 01-29-2021
By any other name a Constitutional Convention is still a Constitutional Convention. Be it known, according to Article V, between the phrase "The Congress... and... the Congress", THE CONGRESS shall control any Constitutional Convention! What a wonderful time to entrust our Constitution to their tender care!
It is striking how the call for a Convention of States intensifies when democrats are in control of the government. It is even more striking that whenever they are in complete control of government the republicans are little concerned about a convention yet do NOTHING to enforce adherence to the Constitution! Am I the only one who sees this?
It doesn't take a great deal of thought to believe republicans in government are not very sincere about the Law of the Land or making government obey that Law! This isn't to say all republicans are insincere. There are many who are, but, the mainstream of the republican party does NOT endear themselves to those of us who actually esteem the Constitution above ANY party. Let me remind the reader that ALL Political Parties ARE a form of collectivism, an invention of the BLOOD-LETTING French Revolution; that the republican party was founded by communists in the early 1850s at a commune near what would be Ripon, WI . ("To the Victor Go the Myths and Monuments", pg. 161 and chapter 11, Arthur R. Thompson.)
The latest call for a convention may appear to be only about term limits but, mark my words, if we crack open this door the Globalist Elite Communists intend to burst through and rewrite the entire document. They have manipulated us into backing them into a corner where they will ferociously destroy our Republic or we will destroy them! They know far better than we do just how "dangerous" our Constitution is to their cause. They have been working to destroy it for over 156 years and while they have made much progress it has proven to be more stalwart than they had imagined. They hold no delusions that this greatest fraud in the history, to put an illegal dictator in the White House, is any guarantee of their success. They are attacking from every angle imaginable and they are masters of deception! They have perpetrated this crisis and now they intend to make great gains thereof; even through moronic, knee-jerk reactions on our part! Let us be wise!
So what about Term Limits? The very foundation of our Republic is our right to vote and our responsibility to choose and elect honest and righteous representatives. Many changes to our Constitution have already curtailed much of our ability to control governments. Let us be reminder that ALL governments covet power and that they will work tirelessly to throw off ever fetter of control upon them. 'Tis the nature of the beast.
Consider carefully, then, WHAT term limits actually means. Of great concern is that our voices ceases to exist when an office holder enters his last term or "terms out". At that point only his ethics and morals might hold him to behave properly! There is NO pressure on that person to listen to any constituents because he has no constituents. Not until someone new who can, once again, be voted out of office is elected are we heard!! Is this really very hard to understand? It is in this gap of no actual control, where your voice in government is literally nullified, that the key to their purpose lays. When the weight of your vote doesn't exist to those who represent you what mischief can the Evil engage in without restraint?
This will occur with every new Congress because in the House every office is up for vote and about a third of those offices may be termed out. Likewise in the Senate about a third of the seats come open and perhaps a half of those would term out.
What? Oh, what could possibly happen? Does anyone remember 2018 when a leading member of the Montana House was terming out and how she BLAZENLY turned leftist socialist while claiming to be a Constitutional yet "enlightened" republican?
Conversely, what happens when we elect a good office holder and he terms out? Is not our choice taken from us?! Is THAT Constitutional?! Are we any better than the left secretly salivating at this proposal? We are, at the least, little more ahead; having to look for a good replacement!
The only real argument for term limits is to prevent career politicians. This is nothing less than presumption; a lot like "guilty before proven innocent" - he just might be a bad operative! If he is a bad operative he should be "termed out" at the next poll! But again that "AIN'T" constitutional!! Yet we are willing to give up our voice to anyone for 2, 4 or 6 years when their last term comes up!
The fact is we already have term limits through our votes. Vote him out! So why does it seem we can't do that? Why is it that when we do vote one out the next guy is just as bad? For the same reason scoundrels flock to elected office in the first place: MONEY! It is NOT that we create career politicians we can't rid of. It is that we allow politics to be so profitable that politicians attempt to stay forever! They don't get particularly rich from their salaries yet they get filthy rich by selling their votes. THEY TAKE BRIBES!! They get filthy rich and work for even more filthy rich lobbyists who then spend copious amounts of money to keep those politicians in office! A Term Limits amendment is the proverbial band aide on a compound fracture!!
Really? Are we willing to risk the Republic for a band aide?!
Why are we not calling for an Amendment to destroy the "INDUSTRY" OF POLITICS!? Term Limits?! What are we? Kindergarteners? Even more astonishing is that we don't need that amendment either. What we must do is take back our government by forcing people we elect to OBEY THEIR OATH OF OFFICE and THE CONSTITUTION we seem desperate to FIX! - IT AIN'T BROKE!!!
Yet the greater issue isn't government. It is us! Our society! There has never been a time in our entire history when our society has been more vile and wicked than today. There has never been as much deceit and lawlessness in our society as there is today. There has never been as much wholesale LYING and Betrayal by so many voices as there is today. There has never been a generation more "gimme, gimme" materialistic, with no concept of due process and truly earning what we gain than today! We leap from one instant gratification to the next with abandon, and yes, even "entitlement"; claiming FALSE rights that steal from others!! We are ready to rationalize our lusts with "my truth" as opposed to "your truth" with no realization that in so arguing we have NO truth! In short we are a bunch of clueless ingrates! Our most important fix is to our society - not the Sovereign of our Nation!
But we cannot see this because we just want the problem fixed so we can go on with our clueless lives. We are like the mom who picks up her kids from the strangers who raise them and, on the way home from her career, swings by McDonalds for dinner! Instead of preparing a nutritious meal for them (uh - mac and cheese ain't it, mom!) she buys a bag of junk calories and SUGAR! "It's what's for dinner" - the good ol' McAnswer!
WE treat our government and our society the same way. Not with a real fix but with a BAND AIDE! The drive through McAnswer! Instead we should be seeking the Face of our God, speaking the Truth that is no where near politically correct and making know to all we are as the City of Nineveh!
Naw, that's too much work and besides; we might not be "liked" anymore. Forgive us, all-mighty delete button...
Term limits? All common sense notwithstanding; are we THAT stupid?