Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Directing the Disorder


Directing the Disorder


Written by William FJasper The whole world has gone insane and the lunatics are in charge of the asylum. At least it looks that way to any rational person surveying the escalating revolutions that have engulfed the planet in the year 2020.

Trump v Biden & Wallace, Debate 9.29.2020

Folks, last nights debate was a falsification. That is my impression. The Biden campaign refused a drug test and ear inspection for the "show". If they didn't have anything to hide why would they refuse?

By all appearances the Left has dreaded such a confrontation between Trump and Biden. And Yet they could not, NOT debate. So what do they do? It is astonishing how inventive they are at indulging in evil and deceit! THEY CHEAT!! Was Biden on a stimulus drug? We were not allowed to know. Apparently everyone allowed into the auditorium was tested for the common cold (aka covid-19) (btw be sure to read the little "BTW below). They had time to do that - but drug test? Ear inspection? No, they were not going to do that.

We don't think like they do because we see things in terms of true or false. But they ALWAYS seek to hide what they do because if we know what they're doing they would FAIL every time. They reject the Truth. To them it doesn't matter how you win so long as you win. ANY means in the name of the results is justified.

So we don't know WHO was really on stage with Trump. Biden's carcass was there but where was Joe Biden? That's the first feature of this hoodwink. But it wasn't the only feature.

Just how many people were debating Trump? There was some facsimile believed to be Joe Biden but there was also - quite obviously - Chris Wallace; a bought and paid for LEFTIST Shill. Let us not forget; the Spin of all that the Left does in regards to Trump is to MAKE TRUMP LOOK BAD!! Period. They cannot make their communist Ideas good enough to defeat him! So he must take a fall. Isn't it obvious? Nor do they leave anything to chance. It wasn't enough that Joe had a plug in his ear and he was doped up. They insured the plan by putting a third party they can count on to divide Trumps attention. I never saw Chris really call out Joe for "breaking" the rules as he did Trump! Trump Bad. Joe Good. Joe play by rules (never mind all the LIES - BLATANT LIES - that came out of his mouth; the Truth doesn't matter).

Here is the little gem we all can take from this; If Joe "wins" in November and survives for  4 years we will not know who the actual president is - We will only have this animated PUPPET!

Joe started LYING right from the beginning. As far as I'm concerned whatever Donald did after that was JUSTIFIED!! Two liars on stage; two leftist Communists against a man who has America first in mind (the communists always have and always WILL hate America). Trump broke no Rules - because there were no rules.

 Covidiot Derrell

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Reposting this Important Article for everyone to read - 2012 Article by Michael S. Coffman PhD about our favorite freedom Grinch G e o r g e S 0 R 0 S with new comment from David Skinner