Environmental Extremism is a subject that in my own trained
scientific objectivity, I cannot leave alone.
I know that I have beaten this drum before, but bogus man-caused Global
Warming has become the greatest scientific scam ever perpetrated by worldwide
governments upon their own peoples.
Obama and his cronies feed upon its numerous profit-making
opportunities, becoming millionaires after only a few years in public office. Opportunist
Al Gore authored only a half-dozen or so books on global warming, yet elevated
his net worth to over ten-million dollars. He simply charges liberals readmission
to hear his same disinformation, so dear to their liberal-biased perspective,
over and over again. However unthinking, his timeworn speeches still draw large
paying liberal audiences. I presume that this currently irrational process will
eventually fade in time, unlike their irreversible body tattoos, to be replaced by some equally fashionable liberal
drive to display their intellectual conformance.
There's another profit-making scenario. The US
government under Obama invested millions of taxpayer dollars into questionable
start-up green-energy companies, exemplified by Solyndra (now bankrupt and defunct).
The government's apparent endorsement of Solyndra, an obvious confidence-booster
for investors, drove Solyndra's stock price skyward virtually overnight. Democrat
US congressman and other elite Progressive insiders, all bought-in as the stock
price rose, then all bailed out or sold short when it became apparent to
insider investors that Solyndra's highly touted technology presented no actual
substance. With this scenario repeating itself as many times as possible, Obama and his corrupt
congressional fat-cats became very rich on the backs of misinformed, gullible
public investors.
Such 'insider trading' is strictly forbidden under the 1934 Securities
Exchange Act. Over the years, many Wall Street traders have gone to federal
prison for lesser 'insder trading' offenses. If we had a real Attorney General
at the time, instead of Obama's cohort Eric Holder, offenders would have been
vigorously prosecuted under existing Federal law. One of the reasons Eric
Holder left office earlier than Obama is because he knows that he may yet face
Federal indictment for his failure to prosecute SEC law violations and other
constitutional offences.
EPA Environmental Extremism
I must assume that the EPA just discovered that the earth's
atmosphere contains much more water vapor than harmless Carbon Dioxide. In
fact, water vapor is a much more potent greenhouse gas than CO2 and
there is twenty times as much of it in earth's atmosphere. When visible water
vapor obscures the earth's surface (like with clouds), the sun's warming rays
are reflected back into space. You would think that this should be a simple
natural process to comprehend, even for Obama's single-minded EPA.
Opportunist Al Gore and Obama's bought and paid-for
climatologists tell us that earth's polar ice packs are rapidly melting, when
in fact they are currently refreezing rapidly. Recent NASA photos from space
illustrate this dramatically. It's been reliably reported that in their
desperation, Obama's government-funded scientists are now blatantly skewing NASA's
legitimately recorded climate data in order to perpetuate Obama's man-caused
global warming myth.
The sun has now passed the peak of it's eleven-year
increased radiation cycle. Good news! Al Gore's polar bears have been spared,
and now they're devouring tasty seals again out on the north polar icepack.
Residents of Churchill in northern Canada
on the Artic Ocean will be most relieved. Over the
past decade, hungry Polar Bears have frequently broken into their homes in
search of food. Churchill is the traditional Winter jumping-off point for Polar
Highly reflective polar ice and snow reflect sunlight back into
space, more so than clouds. This effect over time helps to compensate for the
sun's natural cycles of warming and cooling, thus maintaining earth's atmospheric
temperature stable overall. The earth's mean atmospheric temperature hasn't
warmed perceptibly in going on eighteen years now. Obama, prove to us
conclusively that the earth's atmosphere is rapidly growing warmer as you
claim. Bogus testimony from your bought and paid for liberal academics is
unconvincing, at the very least.
66,000 published legitimate scientists are now on record
disputing your global warming claims.
Oceans cover seventy-one percent of earth's surface, and the
sun's radiant energy continually evaporates staggering amounts of water from
them. This atmospheric moisture content cools and condenses to form clouds, and then these
clouds release rain that keeps earth green and verdant. Without this natural
cycle, earth's surface would dry up like a prune and mankind's vital food crops
would perish.
In its infinite liberal wisdom, the EPA apparently now considers
atmospheric moisture to be a global warming threat. It has reportedly crafted
still another silly regulation to control the amount of waste steam ejected into
the atmosphere by electrical power generation utilities and Chinese laundries.
If it would just look skyward at all those voluminous clouds of naturally
evaporated seawater, I would pray that there's still a chance that the EPA
might finally realize the absurdity of its assumptions.
Earth's natural processes dwarf any contributions made by
man. The same holds true for relatively miniscule amounts of harmless Carbon
Dioxide emitted by planes, trains and automobiles. Perhaps the EPA will next
attempt to contain massively greater CO2 emissions from volcanoes
and forest fires. A couple new EPA regulations should do the trick. Perhaps the
EPA should bring self-proclaimed, but totally unaccredited, atmospheric scientist
Al Gore on-board to help sell his totally fabricated assumptions to America 's
foolishly-receptive liberals. Ironically, so far, he's been very successful
doing it.
Under the United Nations Rio Accords, unthinkingly endorsed
by former President George W. Bush, the EPA is no longer required to prove with
scientific evidence any assumptions regarding environmental peril. It may
proceed freely with binding regulatory measures in the total absence of
scientific confirmation of the perceived threat's validity. This inconceivably
irrational concept has proven invaluable to the Obama Administration's ongoing
promotion of its great global warming lie. It's estimated that overall, this
single man-caused global-warming falsehood has cost America 's economy over three-trillion
dollars, with no end in sight. Do the math .That's about one-sixth of America 's
staggering debt today, over one-half of which has accrued since Barrack Obama
entered presidential office only seven years ago.
Many members of Congress now recognize the need to rein in
the EPA. It's about time. Some are demanding that Obama-appointed EPA
Administrator Gina McCarthy be sacked. The EPA has been blatantly exceeding its
authority, writing what amounts to laws instead of just regulations based upon
law. Obama then employs his Justice Department to enforce these illegal laws.
Under the US Constitution; only Congress may enact laws.
Does even Obama himself fully comprehend what he's been
ordered to accomplish by the Socialist UN powers behind his administration? I
doubt that very much. Now that there's an unpleasant end in sight for America,
even George Soros, Obama's mentor and financier, recently donated 28 million
dollars to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, just before "getting
out of Dodge" himself and taking up residence in Switzerland for his own safety
against US Government violence and oppression that will soon engulf America. He
knows what Progressive Socialist Hillary Clinton will seek to impose upon America ,
even though her Democratic Party's mindless minions still haven't a clue what
to expect.