Montana Governor Steve Bullock, Aspen-Rodel
Fellow (Class of 2010)
Montana State Superintendent of Public Instruction Denise Juneau,
Aspen-Rodel Fellow (Class of 2012)
When you realize what they're part of, you will have a better
understanding of why:
Gov. Bullock was nominated “April Fool” by the Tenth Amendment Center
Sup. Juneau is implementing the highly
controversial Common Core scheme
The information here just scratches the
surface. The deeper you dig, the more alarmed you become. Click the links to easily verify this information for yourself.
"The Aspen Institute is an international
nonprofit organization founded in 1950 as the Aspen Institute of Humanistic Studies. The Aspen Institute is largely funded by
foundations such as the Carnegie Corporation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Gates Foundation, the Lumina Foundation, and
the Ford Foundation, by seminar fees, and by individual donations." -Wikipedia
"The Aspen Institute-Rodel Fellowships in
Public Leadership program seeks to enhance our democracy by identifying and bringing together the nation's most promising young political
leaders." "These men and women
represent the very best among the new generation of America's political leadership," said
former Congressman Mickey Edwards, the
director who recently taught at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University and who is a member of the infamous
global government-promoting Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR). "There are now some 200 Rodel Fellows, at all
levels of government." "Our
goal is to work with the young men and women who will be America's top leaders in the next decade,
whether at the federal, state, or local
level—those who now serve as, say, governors or members of Congress and are poised
to move either to another level of
government or to a new leadership position within the same institution—as well
as those who have proven a commitment to
running for office."
"Our goal is nothing less than to begin
a reshaping of the American political dynamic," said the program's primary funder, William D. Budinger, an Aspen Institute Trustee and
president of the Rodel Foundation. It is expected that Fellows will share with other public officials the insights gained
through the Fellowship.
"The new fellowship program will be
absolutely essential to focusing our political leadership on democratic values,"
said Bill Mayer, "especially those who are just
beginning their careers, whose ideas and values are still taking shape."
Mayer was Chairman of the Aspen Institute
from 2000 to 2008 and is currently on its Executive Committee. He is also a CFR
No outside observers are permitted to attend
fellowship programs. [Secrecy]
Fellows must be nominated to be considered for participation. The Rodel Fellowship Program National
Advisory Council consists of such CFR members as John McCain, Janet Napolitano, David Boren, Tom Foley (deceased),
Gary Hart, James R. Jones, Jim Kolbe, Jim Leach, Mel Levine, Lynn Martin, Sam Nunn, Anne-Marie Slaughter (Dean, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University),
Vin Weber, William F. Weld, and Christine
Todd Whitman.
A perusal of The Aspen Institute's Magazine leaves no doubt about
their left-leaning agenda and influence on all levels of government. One story even boasts, "Aspen Fellows
Take Over the Presidential Cabinet:" President Barack Obama has nominated five Aspen Global Leadership Network Fellows
to serve in the US Cabinet concurrently. "As they ascend to these new offices, they personify the central goals of
the Institute's
Fellowship programs."
Aspen Institute Senior Leadership:
· Walter Isaacson has been the president and
CEO since 2003. He is a CFR member and has been the chairman and CEO of CNN and the editor of TIME magazine. He is the
author of Kissinger: A Biography, and coauthor of The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made (an
excessively flattering portrait of six CFR luminaries). He is a graduate of Oxford University,
where he was a Rhodes Scholar**. He was appointed by President Barack Obama and confirmed by the Senate to serve as the
chairman of the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which oversees Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, and
other international broadcasts of the United States,
a position he held until 2012.
· Elliot Gerson is Executive Vice President of
Policy and Public Programs, International Partnerships. He is a CFR member and was a Rhodes Scholar**. He also administers
the US Rhodes Scholarships as the secretary of the American Rhodes Trust, responsible for directing each
year’s selection process and serving as the sole institutional representative of Oxford’s
American Rhodes community, he is closer to the scholarship and the scholars than anyone else.
· Peter Reiling is Executive Vice President,
Leadership and Seminar Programs. He is a CFR member and oversees the Institute's growing portfolio of leadership
initiatives (the Aspen Global Leadership Network) and seminars as well as its flagship leadership program.
The Board of Trustees is made up of numerous
CFR members such as Condoleezza Rice, Madeleine K. Albright, Paul F. Anderson, Richard Braddock, L. Brooks Entwistle,
Henrietta Holsman Fore, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., David Gergen, Patrick W. Gross, Jane Harman, Robert Hurst, Laura
Lauder, Frederic V. Malek, William E. Mayer, David McCormick,
Marc Nathanson, William A. Nitze, Jacqueline
Novogratz, Jim Rogers, Roderick von Lipsey, and Vin Weber. Not to mention trustees whose spouses are CFR members. Many
trustees are also involved in other un-American activities (ie. David Gergen is also a member of the U.S. executive committee for the Trilateral
Commission and Bill Mayer is also on
the Board of Directors of the Atlantic Council).
Lifetime Trustees include such CFR luminaries
as Richard N. Gardner, Henry "New World Order" Kissinger and Paul A. Volcker.
Like the CFR, the Aspen Institute is involved
in numerous subversive schemes to undermine our Constitutional Republic, supporting and promoting numerous un-American ideas
and efforts such as:
· Nationalize our police
· Nationalize the media
· Merge the U.S. & EU
· Global government
· UN Control of Internet
They've also given platforms to
globalist and environmental extremists such as Maurice Strong, Al Gore, Robert
Craig, Dan Rather and Mikhail Gorbachev.
The long and short of it is that Bullock and Juneau should come clean of their involvement
in un-American circles, denounce the Aspen Institute,
renounce their Rodel Fellowship status and embrace the principles of liberty
and limited government — if they want to gain
the trust of Montanans who are rightly concerned about the direction our country is being led.
** Bill Clinton is one of the best known Rhodes
Scholars. "Known as an old and prestigious international graduate scholarship, the Rhodes Scholarships are administered
and awarded by the Rhodes Trust, which was established in 1902 under the terms and conditions of the will of Cecil John Rhodes, and funded by
his estate under the administration of Nathan
Rothschild. Rhodes wanted to expand the British Empire because he believed that the
Anglo-Saxon race was destined to
greatness. In his last will and testament, Rhodes said
of the British, "I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the
better it is for the human race. Just fancy those parts that are at present
inhabited by the most despicable specimens of
human beings what an alteration there would be if they were brought under
Anglo-Saxon influence, look again at the extra
employment a new country added to our dominions gives." He wanted to
make the British Empire a superpower in which
all of the British-dominated countries in the empire, including Canada,
Australia, New Zealand, and Cape Colony,
would be represented in the British Parliament. Rhodes included American students as eligible for the Rhodes scholarships.
He said that he wanted to breed an American elite of philosopher-kings who would have the United States rejoin the British Empire. He believed that eventually
the United Kingdom (including
Ireland), the USA, and Germany together would dominate the world and
ensure peace." -Wikipedia.